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In a highly anticipated return to the ring, seven-time world champion Sugar Shane Mosley stepped back into boxing on September 28th, 2024, in Chester, Pennsylvania. Mosley, 53 years old and retired since 2016, faced off against...
Global stock markets experienced a significant surge today as new fiscal policies and increasing investor confidence fueled a robust economic rebound across multiple sectors. Financial analysts and industry leaders are optimistic that this trend marks the...

Pennsylvania Boxing Coach Faces Off Against Seven-Time World Champion Sugar Shane Mosley in Chester

In a highly anticipated return to the ring, seven-time world champion Sugar Shane Mosley stepped back into boxing on September 28th, 2024, in Chester,...

The Deadly Combination of Global Warming: Heat and Humidity

The large parts of the tropics will face dangerous life and working conditions if global warming is not limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius. One...

Update: Vaccine News

To end this pandemic a larger proportion of world population needs to be immune against the virus which is possible only by vaccines. Within less than 12...

Texas Weather Condition

Texas naturally has a diverse sort of weather which ranges from arid in the west to subtropical in the east. The huge permitter of the state creates various weather...

Senator Ted Cruz Trip to Cancun

Texas state senator Ted Cruz flew to Cancun, Mexico despite the weather concerns. Interesting turn of events took place as Texas was struck by winter storm which left millions...

Climate Change in the US: The worst has yet to come

The empirical evidence support that speed of change (or human evolution) has caused five extension level events in the history of the world, and...

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