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You Will Never Believe What Was Inside a Clover Valley Chicken Egg!


We all love food. Some people enjoy eating out more than cooking from home. Going to the grocery store can be a task or something fun to do with the family. You might be surprised in what was found inside of an egg from Clover Valley, blood and blood clots. Yes! No egg white, only red blood and a yellow yolk with a few blood clots included. It’s unavailable that you would find blood and blood clots inside a regular egg.

Come to find out, eggs with a little blood are common for homegrown farm eggs and brown eggs. I have never seen an egg with blood in it or blood clots. This is very disturbing you can go to the grocery store and find blood inside of the egg. Farm life this is usually and after doing some research on why blood would be in an egg, it’s from a few reasons. One reason could be a rupture of a blood vessel on the yolk. The Hen could have had some type of developmental issue when laying the egg. None of them explain an egg with no egg white only blood and yolk. What you will see online it is still okay to eat the egg with a little blood, but it is advised only to eat the egg white because the red spots taste is horrible.

I’ve asked around about eggs that have blood inside of them and realized mostly farms see eggs with blood inside of them. You can also see a small fetus starting to develop inside of the egg. Recent studies show grocery stores do not sell almost expired food. Eggs sold in grocery stores don’t tell you when eggs are supposed to expire. As a consumer, we trust the grocery store to give his fresh produce and unexpired food. As Americans, we have the privileged to have laws and regulations to protect us. Countries outside of the United States do FDA or other laws to protect the food citizens consume.

Should American’s be concerned about what we buy at groceries stores? Food prices grow each year and it seems like the standard for safe and non-toxic food is becoming harder to find nowadays. The next time you go to the grocery store ask a store clerk, how fresh are your eggs? You might be surprised by the answer they give you.

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