Technology is changing the way of life, and 90% of big data has been produced in the past three years
Every second, 127 gadgets are connected to the internet, and internet connectivity has reached 56%. The number of smartphones in circulation is more than the global population. Besides accessibility, 1.35 million tech startups exist all over the globe.
The trend in technological advancement has a steep curve, and it is getting steeper. It seems that technology is changing at the speed of light, and we may not be able to live or travel to mars yet, but we have ushered into an era of progress and disruption that is creating a global shift.
The technological trends is changing so fast that even Moore’s Law cannot keep up with it. Some of the ever-evolving trends to fuel the future progress are discussed hereon.
Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
AI is the cornerstone of the modern-day learning, and AI market has been valued at $10.5 billion, expected to reach $126 billion by 2025. 71% of the industry experts believe that AI and machine learning can shift the dynamic for business.

Data strategy takes an informed set of decisions to position the business, and AI can provide insight to cater to engineering system flaws and improve.
The Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT is the epitome of integration that provides benefits across various industries. The sensory information readouts, decision-making protocols, and connectivity across the provide synchronization.
Cellular IoT has been projected to reach 3.5 billion, with 127 new devices connecting to the web 2.0 every second. vXchange projects that 70% of the automobiles and 50% of the manufacturing industry will be connected to the internet via IoT.
Blockchain and Ledgers
With expected revenue of $20 billion by 2024, the stage for the Blockchain is all prepared. With the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging through the world, blockchain is probably one of the safest ways to interact, without interacting. With FinTechs like EndoTech, spearheaded by Dr Anna Becker, D.AI.SY (Decentralized Artificial Intelligence System), a recent display of Bitcoin on Elon Musk’s official account speaks volume on how it is being perceived.

Web 3.0
The concept of Semantic Web or Web 3.0 is probably one of the most dynamic shifts onset in technological trends. Corporations like Google, Facebook, IBM, Microsoft are all paioneers in teir own right, but the one aspect of the connectivity is ‘privacy’. Sematic Web is the concept that takes the control out of the hands of tech giants, and decentralize the control, keeping the data nodes secrets. Web 3.0 gurantees the complete control of data, which makes it one of the most disrupting technology.

Final Note
The technology trends are interconnected and the trends, henceforth are driven by the multi-dimensional yet connected techs like 5G, cloud computing, big data analytics, AR/VR, Edge computing and many more.