Reality television star Princess Love, renowned for her role on “Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood,” is set to showcase her poker skills at the 2nd Annual Celebrity Charity Poker Tournament. The event is scheduled from February 27 to March 2, 2025, in Atlanta, Georgia.
Princess Love shared her excitement with fans via Instagram, stating, “ATL! I’ll be playing in the @celebritypokershowdown 2nd Annual Celebrity Poker Charity Tournament in ATLANTA, GA Feb 27-March 2nd.” The tournament aims to bring together celebrities and poker enthusiasts to support charitable causes, though specific beneficiaries have yet to be announced.
Beyond her television career, Princess Love has made notable strides in the poker world. According to Card Player, she has accumulated over $275,000 in live tournament earnings, including a victory at the 2024 Celebrity Poker Tour Invitational II.
The 2nd Annual Celebrity Charity Poker Tournament promises an engaging experience for participants and spectators alike, combining entertainment with philanthropy. As the event approaches, fans eagerly anticipate Princess Love’s performance at the poker table, contributing to a meaningful cause.