Candidates are running to replace Governor of California Gavin Newsom during the recall election. Generally, a recall election comes at a time of comical but at this time everyone is confused about what comes next. Petition regarding recall was introduced before COVID-19 in California. The recall petition which is started does not have to do anything about Newsome’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. The question arises here that If Newsom is recalled successfully then who will replace him and what is the process regarding replacing.

Questions to ask from voters
It is simple when the recall election is all set then two questions will be asked from voters on the ballot. The first question states that whether they don’t want Newsome and want to get rid of it. The second question states that If Newsome is recalled then whom they want as a replacement. If more than 50 percent of the voters are willing to get rid of Newsome then regardless of how many votes a person gets the second question will be the governor.
Who is running for Governor of California?
Before the filing of paper in election candidates have only 59 days to run. For the replacement of Newsome, there are four Republicans who have announced regarding their replacing Newsome campaigns. They include the former mayor of San Diego, Kevin Faulconer, John Cox who is a multimillionaire businessman. Caitlyn Jennifer, Doug Ose who is a former rep., Sam Gallucci who is a tech entrepreneur, Daniel Mercuri who is a former candidate of congress, Major Williams who is the former candidate for the post of Mayor in Pasadena, Mando Perez who is the owner of Sporting goods store I Southern California. Also, Mary Carey is an adult film star, and some others as well.
These four are major and prominent ones. The date of the election is not finalized yet there are more chances of election in the fall. Ike any election all the ballots are counted and a decision will be made according to the result. If recall passes then-new governor will be chosen and if Newsom wins he will remain at the office.