The 45th POTUS has to be an overachiever, so getting impeached in all but name, the first time around was not enough for him.
The 2016 election has been considered one of the most glorified, yet more of a reality-tv-thematic show. The political scientists have admitted, to have no idea whatsoever, how the Trump could have gotten into the office.

Heather E. Yates argues in ‘The Year of Democrazy and the Politics of Spectacle’ that Trump actually used emotional agenda-setting theory to frame the idea of ‘Make America Great Again’. The main emotional triggers of his campaign were ‘Fear and Anger’. We expected nothing less from the former President.

Donald Trump has a huge following, we have seen time and time again that ‘Trump-Effect’ can be intoxicating. Trump was acquitted on February 5, 2020, of the first impeachmentunder article ‘abuse of power and obstruction of congress’. The second impeachment came after Trump’s campaign of misinformation, to malign the victory of 46th presidentialelections, and the US Capital Riot on January 6.
Under the ‘incitement of insurrection,’ the public decimated the congress floor. To limit his ability to reach his followers, Facebook and Twitter banned Donald Trump and suspended his accounts. The SM giants did not hold back on calling out the abuse of power, and ‘danger’ to democracy.