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Las Vegas


SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched by NASA

NASA launched the Falcon 9 rocket of SpaceX last week aiming to take 4 astronauts to the international space station (ISS). Falcon 9 of...

The Continued Surging Costs of a University Education

If you are like many children of the twenty-first century, you likely grew up being encouraged to consider a college education as a means to get ahead in...

DMX Funeral: Family, Friends, and Fans say Farewell

The memorial and funeral ceremony of DMX was held the previous week on 24 and 25th of April in Brooklyn, New York. Youtube and...

Is Coronavirus vaccine is 100% effective against the new wave?

The world is going through a severe wave of Covid-19. Many countries have manufactured vaccines, however, the question is ‘’ Is coronavirus vaccine is...

Oscars Award 2021-Winners of 93rd Academy Awards

Oscars Award 2021 ceremony took place on 25th April. It happened in Los Angeles after delaying for two months due to the coronavirus pandemic....

Gigi Hadid Celebrated Her 26th Birthday in New York

26th Birthday of Gigi Hadid in NYC Gigi Hadid celebrated her 26th birthday with Zayn Malik on 23rd April. Her sister Bella Hadid, mother Yolanda...

The Covid-19 New Wave is Hitting The World Hard

Many countries are suffering from a severe new wave of Covid-19. The virus is mutating itself and becoming stronger day by day. China, Germany,...


Celebrity Boxing is one of the most entertaining television shows in which celebrities get in the ring and fight each other in exhibition boxing...

Leaders Climate Summit 2021- President Joe Biden is hosting

President Biden invited 40 leaders from different countries to Climate Summit 2021. He addressed the critical situation of climate change with them. Moreover, U.S...

Third Wave of Covid-19: Latest Update in Pakistan

As the coronavirus situation in Pakistan worsens during the third wave, and the country announced 148 new deaths on Wednesday, bringing the total death toll to 16,600.

Despite Challenges, NASA Still Planning Manned Missions to Mars

For the past few hundreds of years, mankind has directed a longing gaze towards the Red Planet. The siren call to visit a world beyond...

Mortal Kombat Movie Review (2021)

The James Wan-produced 2021 Mortal Kombat movie centered close to the brim of collecting an NC-17 rating because of the adaptation's copious violence. The future seasoning is the third film...

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