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Author: tmenews

Governor of California, Gavin Newsom recall and who is running for governor in California to replace him.

Candidates are running to replace Governor of California Gavin Newsom during the recall election. Generally, a recall election comes at a time of comical...

Las Vegas new capacity rules for May and June

Las Vegas has announced new capacity rules and regulations regarding reopening. Governor Steve Sisolak has declared to reopen full 100% by June 1. Yet...

SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launched by NASA

NASA launched the Falcon 9 rocket of SpaceX last week aiming to take 4 astronauts to the international space station (ISS). Falcon 9 of...

Despite the Letdown of Game of Thrones, Fantasy Shows Continue to Surge

A dark cinematic masterpiece was what Game of Thrones set itself up as for years as it awed both newcomers and veterans of fantasy...

The Continued Surging Costs of a University Education

If you are like many children of the twenty-first century, you likely grew up being encouraged to consider a college education as a means to get ahead in...

The Impact of COVID-19 on India

A recent article by CNN has reported to the public that the COVID-19 situation in India may well be far worse than it has...

DMX Funeral: Family, Friends, and Fans say Farewell

The memorial and funeral ceremony of DMX was held the previous week on 24 and 25th of April in Brooklyn, New York. Youtube and...

Is Coronavirus vaccine is 100% effective against the new wave?

The world is going through a severe wave of Covid-19. Many countries have manufactured vaccines, however, the question is ‘’ Is coronavirus vaccine is...

Oscars Award 2021-Winners of 93rd Academy Awards

Oscars Award 2021 ceremony took place on 25th April. It happened in Los Angeles after delaying for two months due to the coronavirus pandemic....

Chernobyl Could Become a World Heritage Site

On April 26, 1986, the tragedy that was the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant disaster led to the eventual death of thousands.Since the disaster, the thirty-mile exclusion zone...

Gigi Hadid Celebrated Her 26th Birthday in New York

26th Birthday of Gigi Hadid in NYC Gigi Hadid celebrated her 26th birthday with Zayn Malik on 23rd April. Her sister Bella Hadid, mother Yolanda...

The Covid-19 New Wave is Hitting The World Hard

Many countries are suffering from a severe new wave of Covid-19. The virus is mutating itself and becoming stronger day by day. China, Germany,...

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